Our VISION is to create an environment, in which women and men have equal rights and opportunities in all fields of human endeavour wherein women are respected and valued as equal and able partners. We wish to see women contributing directly towards economic development, empowered and living with self-esteem. Empowerment starts with changes in consciousness and in self-perception. This can be the most explosively creative and energy releasing transformation. It taps powerful reservoirs of hope and enthusiasm.

The Institute’s MISSION is to create an “Entrepreneurial Society”, through increasing access and control over productive resources, by the needy population and facilitate their economic, social and political empowerment through Human Resource Development, keeping gender issues in focus. Over the years, the Centre has succeeded in building up its resources, be it human or infrastructural, and has been recognised “The Centre of Excellence” by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP).
